
2024年5月22日—OpentheFinderandpressCommand+Shift+G.Enter/UsersintothewindowthatopensandpressReturn.Findtheuseryouwant ...,2024年6月12日—YoucanrenameyourmacOSuseraccountandhomefolder,whichwerenamedwhentheaccountwascreated.,Ahomedirectoryisafilesystemdirectoryonamulti-useroperatingsystemcontainingfilesforagivenuserofthesystem.Thespecificsofthehome ...,家目錄的具體內容(如它的名稱和位置)是由作業...

How to locate the Home folder on your Mac?

2024年5月22日 — Open the Finder and press Command + Shift + G. Enter /Users into the window that opens and press Return. Find the user you want ...

Change the name of your macOS user account and home ...

2024年6月12日 — You can rename your macOS user account and home folder, which were named when the account was created.

Home directory

A home directory is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system. The specifics of the home ...


家目錄的具體內容(如它的名稱和位置)是由作業系統定義的,例如: Windows系統在2000與2003之間的版本中將家目錄放在稱為Documents and Settings的目錄中、Windows Vista ...

How to find your Mac's Home folder (and add it to Finder)

2017年1月28日 — To find your Home folder, open Finder and use the keyboard shortcut Command-Shift-H. You can use the Go pull-down menu from the menu bar to go ...

Folders that come with your Mac

Your home folder is named with your user name and has folders for your desktop files, downloads, pictures, documents, movies, music, and any public files. You ...

Where is the home directory?

2024年5月16日 — The /home directory on the server contains many different usernames. Each username is its own separate directory in the /home directory.

Home Folders

Enabling home folders creates a personal folder for each local and domain user on the NAS. Users can access their home folder through Microsoft networking, ...

Home folder in new File Explorer (Windows 11 Pro)

2022年12月3日 — To access your files and folders more seamlessly, you can right-click on an empty space on the navigation pane and select Show all folders.